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  3. 3 - الخلاصة
    تم عمل هذا الاقتراح لتوفير بيئه نضيفه خاليه من القمامه ولمعرفة الطرق الفعالة المفيدة لتوفير بيئة نظيفة في المدن. حيث تم أقتراح منضومة قمامه قائمه على أنترنت الاشياء تستخدم هذه المنضومه المقترحه تقنيات الاستشعار و الاتصالات حيث يتم جمع بيانات النفايات من الحاويه الذكيه ثم نقلها الى تطبيق عبر الانترنت حيث يمكن لعمال النضافه الوصول والتحقق من حاويات القمامه المنتشره في المدينه و عندما يتجاوز مستوى النفايات في صناديق القمامه 70% ، ستتم عملية التفريغ تلقائياً من خلال منضومة تفريغ مخصصه داخل الارض لتفادي تراكم النفايات والروائح الكريهه الناتجه عنها. حيث يعمل هذا المقترح على تقليل الجهد على عمال النضافه و الاعتماد على الجهد الالكتروني وبالتالي يمكن توفير بيئة صحية و نظيفة خاليه من الملوثات .

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  5. the harmful effects of smoking. Smoking can be extremely harmful to one's health. We all know that it's long been proved beyond all doubt that the nicotine contained in tobacco smoke is poisonous. Pure nicotine injected into the bloodstream of a rat is more than enough to kill a tablespoon full of pure nicotine would probably kill as many as 200 human beings. We also know from our observations that the nicotine contained in tobacco smoke increases the pulse rate, and raises the blood pressure, there is strong evidence to that the nicotine content in cigarettes, is a primary cause of loss of weight and loss of appetite, in a number of heavy smokers. A few heavy smokers may even begin to lose control of their finer muscles and may be unable to move objects as easily as before, this loss of muscle activity may also extend to the muscles of the eyes and reduce smoking. Definitely slows down growth in adolescence, and it reduces athletic ability. But all these effects of smoking shocking as they may appear are almost minor when compared to the serious diseases which smoking can cause the most serious disease linked to smoking is lung cancer. In fact, the direct connection between smoking and cancer of the lung has been established so conclusively that public health authorities throughout the world have launched into intensive campaigns against smoking. What has been so striking is the increase in the number of deaths from lung cancer, at a time when the number of deaths from most other types of cancer has decreased. This increase in deaths from lung cancer has closely paralleled the increase in smoking, that has taken place this century, heavy smokers. In fact, stand a one in eight chance of getting lung cancer, as compared with non smokers who stand, only a one in 300 times. Some cigarette manufacturers, and heavy smokers have tried to argue that there is no real link between lung cancer and cigarette smoking. I shall give you a few of their arguments and show how invalid. Each one is the first, and perhaps the most common argument nowadays is that lung cancer is not caused by smoking at all, but by air pollution. This is a difficult argument to answer for we still know very little about the interaction of air pollution and smoking. What we can say at this stage, however, is that it seems fairly clear that all levels of air pollution, heavy smokers will suffer a far greater risk of lung cancer, the non smokers do another argument goes heredity is really the cause of cancer of the lung. That is to say, if one of your parents had lung cancer, then you'll probably have it too. But this argument fails to explain why lung cancer has increased so rapidly. during the last few decades. A third argument is that cancer of the lung, is caused mainly by exhaust fumes of cars. Now, if this were true, we should expect to see a higher rate of lung cancer among garage mechanics and others who are constantly exposed to exhaust fumes. This is simply not the case. So with us left with the firm conclusion that cigarette smoking and cancer of the lung are closely associated with each other. And that fairly heavy smoking over a number of years, can lead to cancer of the lung. As if this were not bad enough several other serious diseases are associated with smoking surveys have shown that there has been an increase in heart diseases in people under the age of 55. This increase has closely corresponded to an increase in cigarette smoking
